- Total members: 347
- Total Priests: 208
- Total Deacons: 11
- Non-deacon seminarians: 128
- Deceased members: 4
- Nationalities: 26
- Average age of members: 37 years
In 1990, the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) was formed to offer the old Latin Mass. The ICKSP has 35 houses in ten countries, 50 priests, and have trained more than 60 seminarians in 15 years. They have 13 apostolates in the U.S. staffed by ICKSP priests trained at their International Seminary near Florence, Italy.
Kansas City is fortunate to have both FSSP and ICKSP priests serving local Catholic communities. The websites of the two indult Latin Mass groups are found here and here. More information on the indult Latin Masses in Kansas City and St. Joseph is published here.
A third Latin Mass community in Kansas City is St. Vincent's Catholic Church which is staffed by priests of the irregular Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). St. Vincent's is described here and here. Rorate Coeli continues to publish the most recent news on the possible healing of the rift between the Vatican and the SSPX.
I hope they both continue to grow; because in many cities it is still enormously difficult to attend an FSSP or ICRSP Tridentine Latin Mass.
Also, it is important for growth to happen soon in America; because there is still significant resistance to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite of Mass. In many dioceses, the small footprint of the FSSP, for example, doesn't help their cause in the minds of many -- it makes folks who attend the Latin Mass look like fringe-end kooks or as some sort of extremists.
Much of the Catholic world is influenced by what Catholics do in America, so hopefully the Latin Mass continues to grow. Probably the best way for this to happen is for the FSSP and the ICRSP to start running their own schools within the diocese; as this (in my opinion) is where many vocations are born. But there are also many good men with older vocations too, though -- I think older vocations are important to the Church as well.
Also, an advertising campaign wouldn't hurt either; as long as there is money to do it, of course. What an impact a 30-second Latin Mass commercial would have on national television in this country!
tneryu97Fringing the PARENT latin mass faternity with well over 500+ priests and growing with four major seminaries, is a dis-service although you articule did give them an honourable mention and refrained from the insulting pejorative Lefavhrists.Bear in mind the Faternal Society of St. Pius 10th is the parent to two large and growing fraternities whether they like to admit it or not FSSP and Good Shephard. Sadly there have also been other ruptures in the other direct, that of Sede-vacantism CMRI and SSPV come to mind. Liberal revisionists in the vatican curia will do all in their power to make sure a reunion DOES NOT occurn lying cheating and forgeries are not beneath their post vatican mindset,or the Bugnini mentality Shalom
I belong to an FSSP community in Houston, TX and have visited other FSSP parishes in Atlanta, Oklahoma City, Harrisburgh PA, etc. The FSSP in general is very big in homeschooling and co-op for homeschoolers with a very traditional catholic curriculum. They see the traditional catholic homeschooling movement as a great opportunity for rescuing the culture back in the hands of Christendom. Normally they have 2 or 3 priests per apostolate and that helps a lot with the sacraments and the rest of the parish life. It it true that in America traditional Catholics are seen as freaks, fanatics or extremists, but that is a burden we must carry and offer it up to Our Blessed Mother, as the world grows darker and deepens into inmorality, we must realize that we will be persecuted in may ways, starting from those in our own Catholic Church, the modernists and relativists.
I attended weekly Mass several times at Christ the King Sarasota, FL. during vacation. I found the council from the Priest during reconciliation to be invaluable. I have located a FFSP parish about 40 min. from where I live. My wife does not like(for now) the Tridentine Mass because she does not understand what they are saying. So for now I will be attending alone from time to time and regularly at the Novus Ordo with her. The Novus Ordo Mass feels so empty to me after participating in the reverence to our Lord in the Tridentine Mass. I find myself critical of the girl alter servers, and the "ministers of communion." The rubrics of the Mass seem get more and more relaxed, with laity, adopting the "orans" posture and imitating the priest and saying prayers along with him. Thank you FFSP priests for your dedication and reverence to Our Lord Jesus, and His Holy Catholic Church.
May God bless all three. Tridentine Holy Mass is truly Catholic, "The most beautiful thing on this side of Haeven".
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