Staying abreast of news on important Catholic blogs is easier with
Google Reader that presents brief snippets of new posts. Once you scan each snippet (and are offered the opportunity to link to the complete post), you won't see it again on Google's Reader. It saves time, but it means Google keeps detailed track of your blog reading.
One of the
Rorate Coeli posts that I had missed from March 30 discussed the Papally invited
Lenten retreat by Cardinal Biffi to Pope Benedict XVI and the top members of the Vatican. The post is based on a
LifeSiteNews article that states:
Cardinal Biffi is most well known, at least in the secular media, for his preaching on the Antichrist. In fact, the Times of London reported in 2004 that the Cardinal described the Antichrist as "walking among us."
In particular, the Rorate Coeli post states AntiChrist will promote pacifism, ecology, and ecumenism.
I've already written of
Google and their charitable foundation. Please read this post again to see my concerns. Google's power continues to grow. Some of their increasing suite of new applications can be reviewed
here, including
free replacement software for virtually everything that Microsoft (and every other major software developer) sells!
I noted to a friend that I was concerned about Google because my parents used to warn me that nothing is really free--everything has a cost. My friend responded with this very insightful comment about Google Apps:
Try this one- 'A penny for your thoughts'. Since there's no software or apps to download (and for you to use, OFFLINE), it makes all your actions and communications rather transparent to 'them', doesn't it? If I was a cynic (and I may well be), I wouldn't feel that they were doing me any real favors.
Can the devil read your mind? The Church says 'no'. But Google can--to a significant degree if you use their Apps or their
lobbying software. Maybe Cardinal Biffi is on to something. BTW, the word 'google'--there's nothing similar to it in the English language, except
googol (which is the name for the large number 10
100 that Google is named for). I'm also reminded of the words "Barney Google" and "gargoyle." You might want to read the Wikipedia articles on
googol and
I've just tried to delete my Google Reader. Guess what? The only option is to delete all Google Account services--including this blog. I mustn't forget to look at changing my blog to
WordPress, like the
Cornell Society for a Good Time has done. That is, until Google decides to buy WordPress.