Daily Rome Shot 1226 – “Baaaaaah!”
16 hours ago
Fr. Mejak baptized me. I went to the parish school. We always received communion at the communion rail on our tongues, had benediction after Sunday Mass and on First Fridays. I remember in 7th grade we learned the Latin Kyrie, Gloria, etc for the Midnight Christmas Mass. I also remember serving his Mass, and seeing the XXXX marked through the Sign of Peace in the Altar Missal.One emailed comment to my previous posts said this blog failed to note all the information available on the life of Msgr. Mejak. Please read the entire 2003 Leaven article by Bethanne Scholl entitled:
Faith of our Fathers: He's ancient of days. He can't see very well. And he has been known to be slow to change. But at age 93 Msgr. Heliodore Mejak has no intention of calling it quits.