Gov. Kathleen Sebelius spoke this evening to the Planned Parenthood fundraiser at the American Jazz Museum in Kansas City, MO. This "Catholic" politician avoided meeting many prolifers who waited at several entrances to the Museum by using a separate entrance through the Blue Room jazz club. Some prolifers said they also saw Dr. George Tiller of Wichita, KS (who specializes in late-term abortions) enter the PP fundraiser. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S.
Catholic Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, KS has criticized Sebelius openly in his archdiocesan newspaper because of her veto of a bill that would have curbed violations of Kansas law on abortions. The Archbishop urged Catholics to pray for Sebelius to "reconsider her long-held position supporting legalized abortion." At least one pro-life sign this evening asked if Sebelius now would be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
Priests and nuns who prayed the rosary outside the PP fundraiser included Fr. Norm Weslin, who is distinguished for his many years of heroic work saving babies from abortion. He is an ex-military officer who has been arrested over 70 times for his mighty pro-life efforts. I recommend Fr. Frank Pavone's (Priests for Life) interview of Fr. Weslin here. Fr. Weslin may be most distinguished by the enemies he has made, as shown by any search of the web. I admire someone who does not fear to be hated by God's enemies.
Wolftracker also came to the protest of Planned Parenthood. Be sure and read his post here.
Daily Rome Shot 1226 – “Baaaaaah!”
16 hours ago