Which is the most difficult problem to solve--(1) a people problem or (2) a technical problem (e.g., computer, auto)? Most of us would say solving people problems is more challenging. But if certain conditions are met, people problem solving is easy, even when a lot of ire has been aroused. Here is an illustration.
Recently some individuals were upset with my friend and asked me to help. The individuals are great Catholics and chose their words carefully to say they respected my friend, thought he was trying to do what was right, but he tiffed them and others off but good!
Somewhat reluctantly, I called my good Catholic friend to delicately explain this predicament, but he seemed to have anticipated that something was amiss. He offered an easy way to bring up the subject by first discussing his actions and then asking how people felt. [Lots of people talk about the first items, but never ask the second part!]
When he was told of some vexation among others, he quickly responded that he always received his best grades in school on the left (deportment) side of his report card, especially in "takes correction easily." He offered to apologize, even humbly saying he would "grovel" if necessary.
Needless to say, almost all people problems can be dissapated by good communications, charity, forgiveness, and especially humility. But if pride is introduced on either side, people problems will fester and grow. Good Catholics know arrogance is not a virtue. We all must be especially humble to help prevent people problems and then to solve them if they do arise.
Daily Rome Shot 1266
3 hours ago
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