Mar 11, 2007

The Traditional Latin Mass in Pittsburgh --Fr. Kenneth Myers

The March 2007 issue of Homiletic & Pastoral Review, the oldest Catholic priests' magazine in the U.S., has an article on the traditional Latin Mass by a diocesan priest who celebrates regularly both the Old Latin Mass and the New English Mass. Fr. Kenneth E. Myers describes why the beauty, sacredness and solemnity of the traditional Latin Mass helps people pray and worship God. Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J. concurs in his magazine editorial, "Reflections on the traditional Latin Mass."

One of the frank quotes of Fr. Kenneth E. Myers who was ordained in 1980:
Some people reading this article may make the accusation that traditional-minded Catholics are attacking the new rite of Mass. I tried for the longest time never to say anything negative about the Mass of Pope Paul VI. In fact, I offer it almost every day because I cannot offer the traditional Mass. I never doubt its validity and I always offer it with as much devotion as I can muster. However, I am not blind. I can make comparisons between the new and the old, and I can see the theological and spiritual shortcomings of the new rite: its failure to express the fullness of Catholic Faith about the Eucharist and the priesthood, its inability to raise up heart and mind from the profane to the supernatural, its confusion on the role of the priest, and its unfaithful and banal translations of the original Latin text. How do we hold on to what we believe in without making these negative comparisons? It is a difficult task.
Fr. Myers is described in the HPR article as a "parish priest permitted by my bishop to offer this rite of Mass and serve a community of over 800 people who are devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass. [He is] chaplain of the Pittsburgh Latin Mass Community, the largest diocesan Latin Mass community in the United States."


Anonymous said...

I enjoy hearing about how other parishes celebrate.

paramedicgirl said...

Thanks for the link to a good article. I have to attend the NO because of geography, and I know exactly what what Father Myers is talking about. The sacredness, beauty and traditions of the Latin mass help us to elevate our hearts and minds to God in a way that even the most reverently said NO seems to miss.

Anonymous said...

the advantage of Protestants, especially those of the Free Church tradition, is that each individual congregation can chose its worship style.

Anonymous said...

Ken Myers has had his faculties restricted by the bishop and has been reported to the Allegheny County district attorney for a charge of child sexual abuse. This process has been ongoing for two years.
Please go to the official website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh for confirmation.

Anonymous said...

Ken Myers has been removed from active ministry by his bishop because the evidence of Ken's abuse of children is overwhelming.

Thank God he has finally been removed from contact with children.

Anonymous said...

@Paramedic girl
Here's a link to some really good reading.

Anonymous said...

If they wish, can a congregation choose to worship cows and elephants as part of their worship style?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous. The Mass was instituted by Jesus Christ on HOW to worship God . Same as Moses was told how to fulfill Passover . Jesus Fulfills that an Gives us Perfect worship by God on How to Worship God . We enter into that Same worship ( once for All ) Daniel