What has been the most visible sign of decay in the modern Catholic Church of the past 40 years? The way the priests and nuns dress? Missing religious elements, such as genuflections, Benedictions, certain prayers? What would you say?
My own answer is bad sermons--either poorly prepared, lacking substance, and/or bordering (or crossing the border of) heresy. In the late 50's and early 60's, priests became so busy and distracted and influenced by Modernism that they didn't prepare and preach good sermons. In contrast, the secular media became very good at preaching their religions of secularism, hedonism, and paganism.
Many Protestant pastors continued to prepare and research their sermons--often ones that did not contradict Church truths. I've encountered a number of people who left the Catholic Church because they said they saw more signs of Christ in a Protestant evangelical church. Why did they say this? I believe primarily because of the clear differences in SERMONS!
The days of great Catholic sermons given by the likes of the Cure of Ars, Cardinal Newman, and Archbishop Sheen are not over! A local website, Audio Sancto, publishes great sermons--of the current time! The priests who give the sermons insist on remaining unidentified because they have other primary religious duties. See here.
Listen to a couple of minutes from different sermons to select one or two to download to your Ipod. I suggest you first listen to "Blackfeet Indians and the Black Robes" (part 1 and part 2). To download, rather than play, a sermon, it is necessary to set your browser options to 'save' an .mp3 audio file to your computer Desktop.
Once you have downloaded selected sermons to your desktop, move them to your Ipod or a CD for playing in your car. We waste so much time in cars listening to venal things--instead, listen to these great sermons to invigorate your spiritual life.
Daily Rome Shot 1226 – “Baaaaaah!”
18 hours ago
They are really really really good sermons
I enjoy the archives of the site as well, there is a sermon from 2003 about the Solemn High Mass that is full of beautiful information.
God Bless
Those priests are as good (or even better!) than Father Corapi. Some of the sermons have moved me to tears.
I'd love to travel to their church to hear them live some day.
Thanks for sharing this treasure trove!
Here are some more sermons by the traditional priests of the SSPX!
There are some awesome sermons at these places, some of which you really do not want to miss! Spread the word!
The priests of the SSPX often were the only ones who gave good and, more often, outstanding sermons in the parched desert of the late 1970s and 1980s. I was particularly interested in the 12/25/2007 sermon for Fr. Marchosky's funeral found at http://www.traditionalcatholicmedia.org and have downloaded it for later listening.
These sermons are another great resource for Catholics who are serious about their faith.
The good thing about these sermons is that they are given by priests who are fathful to Rome - they are not given by those who are off on their own and possibly outside the church.
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